Los planes...
lunes el 2:
- BW: Answer in Spanish - ?Que llevas hoy?
- Fashion show rubric and examples
- Pick groups
- Make a list of who is wearing which clothes and which colors
martes el 3:
- No bellwork
- Get into groups and work on rough drafts of scripts
---> Rough drafts due by end of the hour to be checked
miercoles el 4:
- BW: Categorize clothing items by gender.
- Return rough drafts
- Work on final copies
- Make puppets out of paper lunch bags
jueves el 5:
- BW: Rehearse with groups
- Presentations!
viernes el 6:
- BW: Traduce - 1. I am 2. I wear 3. I live in
- Presentations!
- Pass back papers and 1.2 tests
- PDSA on 1.2 tests with data folders
**Upcoming events: Next vocab quiz is scheduled for viernes el 13!!**
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