martes, 14 de enero de 2014

ESP 1 ~ Jan. 9-10, Jan. 13-17

!Hola estudiantes!  !Prospero ano nuevo!  It's been a few weeks between the Holiday break and the snow/cold days we had, so here's last Thursday and Friday's plans, as well as, this week's.

Los planes...

jueves el 9:
- BW:  Escribe una lista de 5 personas en tu vida en Espanol.  Ej:  Mom - la madre
- Go over schedule for next week/midterms
- Introduce possession using the word "de"
- Actividad 10 p. 78
- Actividad 11 p. 79

viernes el 10:
- BW:  Traduce:  Marisol is Javier's sister.
- Review possession
- Lost and found worksheet
- Introduce the question, ?De quien es ___________?  Es de ___________.
- Ask the class questions while holding up classroom objects
- Actividad 12 p. 79


lunes el 13:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta completa en Espanol.  ?Cuantos anos tienes?
- Review schedule for this week/midterms
- Introduce possessive adjectives
- Family tree worksheet (go over with puntos orales)
- Pass out study guide for Unit 1 Chapter 3 Examencito part 2

martes el 14:
- BW:  Traduce:  Rico is the brother of my father.  He is my uncle.
- Check in the study guide
- Take the Unit 1 post-test

miercoles el 15:
- BW:  Write out the possessive adjective chart.
- Go over the study guide
- Take the 1.3 Examencito part 2
- Pick up a study guide for the midterm exam

jueves el 16:
- No bellwork
- Start oral exams
- Students work on completing their study guide for the midterm exam

viernes el 17:
- No bellwork
- Finish oral exams
- Students work on the review packet provided by the teacher for the midterm

**Anuncios:  The last day to turn in ABSENT WORK, LATE WORK, BILLETES, AND/OR 2 BOXES OF KLEENEX IS VIERNES EL 17.  Please stay on top of the work load this week!  These are the last few opportunities to change your grade before the end of the semester!!!**

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