Buenas tardes, estudiantes de Espanol 1...
Los planes...
lunes el 21:
- BW: Fill in the subject pronoun chart
- Review subject pronouns verbally
- Learn Ser in a chart
- Actividad 9 p. 34
martes el 22: (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Mas practica packet Actividades 11-13, 12-14, 15-17 - See me for a packet if needed!!
miercoles el 23:
- BW: Fill in the form of Ser for - 1. Juan y yo 2. Natalia y Daniela
- Review Ser
- Actividad 13 p. 36
- Dia de los Muertos project rubric (See last week's post for extra copies of the rubric)
jueves el 24: (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Read about me, te, le gusta on p. 37
- Actividad 16 p. 37
- Make flash cards for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow (Introducing others, Saying where you live, Expressing likes, Other words and phrases)
viernes el 25:
- Study
- VQ #2
- 1.1 Study guide for test next miercoles el 30
- Notes on me, te, le gusta
**Upcoming events: martes el 29 - study guide due, miercoles el 30 - project due and 1.1 test**
Check student connect to see if you have any missing assignments!! The last day to turn them for the first card marking is viernes el 2!!
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