!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!
Los planes...
lunes el 7:
- BW: Traduce - Where are you from (friendly)?
- Go over study guides
- Actividades 1 y 2 p. 18
martes el 8:
- Study
- Etapa Preliminar Test
- Pick up vocab list for 1.1
miercoles el 9:
- BW: Name two ways to say the word "boy" from your new vocab list.
- Introduce Unidad 1 (Cultural points about Estados Unidos)
- Read about Tejano music pg. 62
- Start watching the movie Selena
- Exit ticket: How did Selena's childhood compare to yours? What are some things you notice about growing up as a Mexican-American?
jueves el 10:
- BW: Traduce - 1. yo 2. ella 3. nosotros
- Continue with Selena
- Exit ticket: Why did Selena's mom want to quit/break up the band after the Harlington Fair?
viernes el 11:
- BW: Traduce - 1. el 2. ellos 3. vosotros
- Continue with Selena
- Exit ticket: 1. Why is it so hard being a Mexican-American? 2. What are some of Selena's accomplishments later in her music career?
**Start making flashcards for the new vocab list!! First quiz is scheduled for viernes el 18!!**
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