viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Dec 9-13

!Hola estudiantes!  Una semana mas hasta que el descanso!! :)

Los planes...

lunes el 9:
- BW:  What different words are used for waiter/waitress?  Which countries use which?
- Actividad 5 p. 291
- Watch 4.3 video with worksheet

martes el 10:
- BW:  Palabras revueltas....1.  elugcha  2.  soeuq  3.  tosper  4.  psoa  5.  cruaaz  6.  ercan
- Introduce Ir in the preterite
- Actividad 6 p. 292 (puntos orales)
- Repaso de Gusta/n (clarifiers, IOP's, verbs like Gustar)

miercoles el 11:
- BW:  Escribe 5 lugares que fuiste la semana pasada.
- Repaso de Gusta/n
- Actividad 7 p. 293
- Wall activity with sticky notes (vote whether you like various foods or not)
         - Summarize findings by using 4 sentences with verbs like Gustar

jueves el 12:
- BW:  Tell which of your friends/family members like these foods (use clarifiers)!!
1.  La comida picante
2.  Las enchiladas
3.  La sopa vegetariana
- Introduce Affirmative/Negative words with notes
          - Where do you see these words in the dialogues in the chapter?
- Lo tengo for vocab quiz

viernes el 13:
- Estudia!
- VQ #1
- Actividad 10 p. 294
- Actividad 11 p. 295

**Upcoming events:  La proxima prueba es miercoles el 18 para vocabulario y el examencito de gramatica es jueves el 19!!**


ESP 1 ~ Dec 9-13

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!  Una semana mas hasta que el descanso... :)

Los planes...

lunes el 9:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  My name is Javier.  2.  I am from Peru.  3.  I live in a house.  4.  I am dark-skinned and funny.
- Introduce Etapa 3
- Pronounce vocab
- Listen to "En contexto" on CD
- Translate pages 70-71 to English

martes el 10:
- BW:  Put sentences in order of a logical conversation -
1.  ?De donde eres?
2.  !Hola!  Me llamo Maricarmen.
3.  Soy de Miami.  ?Y tu?
4.  Mucho gusto.
5.  !Hola!  Me llamo Gloria.  ?Y tu?
6.  El gusto es mio.
7.  Soy de Puerto Rico.
- Create Fransisco's family tree on the overhead labeling characters
- Actividad 3 p. 74
- Actividad 5 p. 75

miercoles el 11:
- BW:  Draw a mini family tree labeling your parents and siblings in English and Spanish
- Go over "En contexto"
- Watch 1.3 video with worksheet
- Introduce Tener chart on overhead with notes

jueves el 12:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - 1.  ?Cuantos primos tienes?  2.  ?Cuantos hermanos tienes?
- Review Tener
- Actividad 6 p. 76
- Lo Tengo for vocabulary quiz

viernes el 13:
- Estudia!
- Vocab quiz #1
- Pass back papers and projects
- Notes on numbers!

**Upcoming events:  2nd part of the vocab quiz es miercoles el 18 and el examencito es viernes el 20!!**

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Dec 2 - 6

!Buenas tardes estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes...

lunes el 2:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta.  ?Que hiciste para el dia de accion de gracias?  (
- Puntos orales with bellwork
- Introduce 1.3
- Chapter tour and pronounce new vocab
- Pass out rubic for mercado skits
- Choose groups

martes el 3:
- No bellwork
- Work on script for presentations in groups
- Actividad 3 p. 290 with altered directions

miercoles el 4:
- BW:  Conjuga Regatear
- Translate pages 286-287 and answer Preguntas Personales in Spanish
- Work in groups on rehearsal

jueves el 5:
- BW:  Actividad 6 from the Mas Practica workbook on overhead
- Presentations!!

viernes el 6:
- BW: Escribe una respuesta.  ?Cuando pones la mesa, donde pones el cuchillo?
- Presentations!!
- Pass back papers and tests
- PDSA on 4.2 tests with data folders

**Upcoming events:  La proxima prueba del vocabulario es viernes el 13!!**

ESP 1 ~ Dec 2-6

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Los planes...

lunes el 2:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?Que llevas hoy?
- Fashion show rubric and examples
- Pick groups
- Make a list of who is wearing which clothes and which colors

martes el 3:
- No bellwork
- Get into groups and work on rough drafts of scripts
          ---> Rough drafts due by end of the hour to be checked

miercoles el 4:
- BW:  Categorize clothing items by gender.
- Return rough drafts
- Work on final copies
- Make puppets out of paper lunch bags

jueves el 5:
- BW:  Rehearse with groups
- Presentations!

viernes el 6:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  I am  2.  I wear  3.  I live in
- Presentations!
- Pass back papers and 1.2 tests
- PDSA on 1.2 tests with data folders

**Upcoming events:  Next vocab quiz is scheduled for viernes el 13!!**

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Nov 18-22

Feliz viernes!!  Dos dias mas para la vacacion de dia de accion de gracias!

Los planes...

lunes el 18:
- BW:  Answer with a DOP - ?Quien tiene mi pulsera?  Yo _________ _________________.
- Introduce IOP's and review DOP's
- Ejercicio 1 in packet
- Actividad 12 p. 273

martes el 19:
- BW:  Find an IOP from p. 265 and write out the sentence it's in.
- REview IOP's and IOP placement
- Ejercicio 2 in packet
- Ejercicio 5 #1-5
- Ejercicio 6 #2, 3, 7, 8

miercoles el 20:
- BW:  Categorize objectos en grupos para - musica, ceramica, y dinero
- Review IOP's
- Actividad 1 p. 280
- Leemos pgs. 278-279 de regatear
- "Comprendiste" questions from p. 279

jueves el 21:
- BW:  Match the IOP with a clarifier -
1. les                                       a.  a mi
2.  nos                                     b.  a ella
3.  te                                       c.  a Juan y a mi
4.  le                                       d.  a los ninos
5.  me                                     e.  a ti
- Actividad 11 p. 272  # 1 only with an amigo
- !Globos! game with an amigo

viernes el 22:
- BW:  Estudia!
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Guia de estudiar 4.2

**Upcoming events:  Guia de estudiar es para lunes el 25 y el examen de 4.2 es martes el 26!!!**

ESP 1 ~ Nov 18-22

Feliz viernes, estudiantes!  Dos dias mas para una mini-vacacion!

Los planes...

lunes el 18:
- BW:  Traduce - a smart student
- Introduce ?Como es/son + __________?
- Actividad 11 p. 58
- Show magazine pictures and students describe the person

martes el 19:
- BW: Escribe una respuesta - ?Como es la profesora de Espanol?  Be nice.  :)
- Introduce colors
- Introduce ?De que color es/son__________?
- Actividad 12 p. 59 puntos orales
- "Oso pardo, oso pardo" worksheet

miercoles el 20:
- BW:  Traduce - The students are serious and hard-working.
- Introduce Tiene/ojos/pelo
- Actividad 14 p. 59
- Introduce Llevar in a chart with notes

jueves el 21:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  I wear  2.  They wear
- Review llevar
- Worksheet on using Llevar in sentences
- !Globos! vocab game

viernes el 22:
- BW:  Estudia!
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Study Guide for 1.2 test
- Scooby Doo Worksheet

**Upcoming events:  Guia de estudiar due lunes el 25!!  El examen es martes el 26!!**

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Nov 11-15

Buenas tardes estudiantes de Espanol 2...

Los planes...

lunes el 11:
- BW:  Traduce - How much does the ceramic pot cost?
- Check Mas Practica Actividades 5-8 with puntos orales for comprehension
- Translate pgs. 264-265 to English and answer the Preguntas Personales in complete sentences in Spanish

martes el 12:
- BW:  Conjugate Querer (e-->ie) -  Maria __________ comprar unos aretes.
- Introduce o-->ue stem changing verbs with notes
- Review other types of stem changers
- Actividad 6 p. 270

miercoles el 13:
- BW:  Give "Yo" and "Nostros" forms for 1.  almorzar 2.  poder  3.  volver
- Review stem changers
- Actividad 7 p. 271
- Watch 4.2 chapter video and discuss the dialogue

jueves el 14:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  Sleep!  2.  Return it (the CD)!
- Escuchar Actividades 1-4 with el CD
- Lo Tengo for the vocab quiz

viernes el 15:
- BW:  !Estudia!
- Vocabulary quiz #1
- Review Direct Object Pronouns with a DOP packet of activities
- Ejercicio 1 and Ejercicio 2 (#1-4)

**Upcoming events:  Second part of the vocabulary quiz is viernes el 22!!**

ESP 1 ~ Nov 11-15

Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1...

Los planes...

lunes el 11:
- BW:  Make these words plural - 1.  la hamburguesa 2. el lapiz 3.  el reloj
- Review plural words by going over the Garfield worksheet
- Introduce gender of adjectives
- Actividad 5 p. 53

martes el 12:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?Eres comico?
- Introduce definite articles and indefinite articles with notes
- Actividad 6 p. 55
- Actividad 7 p. 55

miercoles el 13:
- BW:  Use Ser to complete the phrases - 1.  Rodrigo is 2.  You are 3.  The boys are
- Review articles
- Mas practica worksheet Actividades 13, 14
- Go over worksheet for puntos orales
- Ser translating worksheet

jueves el 14:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  She is pretty.  2.  Mateo and I are good.
- Notes on sentence structure with articles, nouns, and adjectives
- Lo Tengo for vocab quiz

viernes el 15:
- BW:  !Estudia!
- Vocabulary quiz #1
- Cartoon Character Rubric
- Translating phrases on overhead for in-class assignment

**Upcoming events:  Cartoon character is due martes el 19 and the second part of the vocabulary quiz is viernes el 22!!**

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Nov. 4-8

Buenos dias, estudiantes de Espanol 2.  Aqui estan los planes para la semana pasada.

lunes el 4:
- BW:  Traduce - Could you tell me where the church is?
- Actividad 18 p. 254 with amigo to practice for Oral Exam
- Introduce Etapa 2 pgs. 262-263
- Pronounce vocabulary

miercoles el 6:
- BW:  Usando el mapa para el examen oral:  ?Cual es la direccion del correo?
- Start Oral Exams
- Assignment for students:  1.  Mas practica worksheet Acts. 5-8  2.  Lee pgs. 256-257  Summarize 1 sentence from each paragraph in English and answer the "Comprendiste" questiosn in Spanish p. 257

jueves el 7:
- BW:  Traduce - I leave for the jewelry store to buy earrings and a silver bracelet.
- Continue with Oral Exams
- Assignments for students:  Finish work from yesterday and turn in by the end of the hour.

viernes el 8:
- BW:  Traduce - May I see the necklace?
- Finish Oral Exams
- Assignment for students: Actividad 5 p. 269
- PDSA 4.1 Test/Pass back projects

**Upcoming events:  Unidad 4 Etapa 2 prueba del vocabulario es viernes el 15!!**

ESP 1 ~ Nov 4 - 8

Buenos dias, chicos.  Aqui estan los planes para la semana pasada.

lunes el 4:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?De donde es tu papa?
- Practice Oral Exam questions for 10 minutes with partner
- Review Oral Exam responses
- Introduce Etapa 2 p. 46-47
- Pronounce vocabulary

miercoles el 6:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta - ?Que te gusta?
- Start Oral Exams
- Assignment for students:  1.  Students translate pgs. 48-49 to English  2.  Answer Preguntas Personales on p. 49 in Spanish

jueves el 7:
- BW:  Fill in with correct form of ser
yo __________         nosotros _____________
tu  __________         vosotros _____________
usted ________         ustedes ______________
el/ella ________        ellos/ellas _____________
- Continue with Oral Exams
- Assignment for students:  Actividad 4 p. 53
- Introduce the concept of making words plural
- Garfield worksheet

viernes el 8:
- BW:  Complete with ser - 1.  Yo _____________ inteligente.  2.  Nosotros ___________ serios.  3.  Raul _________ comico.
- Review ser
- PDSA on 1.1 Test/Pass back projects

**Upcoming events:  Unidad 1 Etapa 2 prueba del vocabulario es viernes el 15!!**

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Oct 28 - Nov 1

Buenas tarde clases de Espanol 2...

Los planes...

lunes el 28:
- BW:  Use Decir - Mi amigo/que/es bonito.
- Go over study guide
- Review direction verbs
- Practice sentences with whiteboards

martes el 29:
- BW:  Estudia!
- 4.1 Test
- Pick up 4.2 Vocab list

miercoles el 30:
- BW:  Traduce - Turn to the left and walk until the post office.
- Collect projects
- Dia de los Muertos discussion and activity packet

jueves el 31:
- No bellwork
- In class writing test:
             - 5 minutes open book preparation with rubric/graphic organizer
             - closed book writing test
- Skeleton decorating contest

viernes el 1:
- No bellwork
- Dia de los Muertos video with question packet
- Discussion and review answers from packet
- Pass out oral exam rubric (next miercoles - viernes)

**Upcoming events:  Oral exams are next miercoles - viernes!  Study your direction vocabulary and commands!!**

!Feliz dia de los muertos!

ESP 1 ~ Oct. 28 - Nov 1

Buenas tardes clases de Espanol 1...

Los planes...

lunes el 28:
- BW:  Traduce - Maria and I are from Chile.
- Reivew Ser, gusta
- Practice sentences on whiteboards
- Actividad 4 p. 43

martes el 29:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish: ?Que te gusta hacer?
- Puntos orales with bellwork question
- Go over study guide
- Listening Actividades 3, 4 worksheet

miercoles el 30:
- BW:  Collect projects
- Study
- 1.1 Test
- 1.2 Vocab list

jueves el 31:
- No bellwork
- In class writing test:
              - 5 minutes book preparation with rubric/graphic organizer
              - closed book writing
- Skeleton decorating contest for Dia de los Muertos

viernes el 1:
- Dia de los Muertos video and worksheet with questions
- Discussion and show artifacts
- Pass out oral exam rubric (exams: miercoles - viernes next week)

**Upcoming events: Oral exams next miercoles - viernes!!  Study the quesitons on your rubric!!**

!Feliz dia de los muertos!

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Oct. 21- 25

Buenas tarde, estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes...

lunes el 21:
- BW:  Write the words from this list that refer to traveling "a pie":  Caminar, Correr, Cerrar, Pasear, Decir, Nadar, Manejar, Ir a pie
- Learn Tu form affirmative commands
- Actividad 13 p. 252 - Puntos orales
- TPR with commands

martes el 22:  (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Mas practica packet 10, 11, 12-14, 15-17 - See me for a packet!

miercoles el 23:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta con un mandato.  ?Practico el piano o estudio para mi examen?
- Review commands
- Learn how to attach DOP's (Direct Object Pronoun notes)
- Actividad 14 p. 252
- Dia de los Muertos project rubric (See last week's post for extra copies of the rubric!)

jueves el 24: (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Actividades 1 y 2 p. 258
- Play Balloon Races with partners

viernes el 25:
- Study
- VQ #2
- 4.1 study guide for test on martes el 29
- Review direction verbs (cruzar, manejar, doblar, caminar, etc.)

**Upcoming events:  lunes el 28 - study guide due, martes el 29 - 4.1 test, miercoles el 30 - DDLM Project due!**

Make sure you check student connect to see if you're missing any assignments!!  Missing assignments are due by viernes el 2 to be in for first card marking!!

ESP 1 ~ Oct. 21-25

Buenas tardes, estudiantes de Espanol 1...

Los planes...

lunes el 21:
- BW:  Fill in the subject pronoun chart
- Review subject pronouns verbally
- Learn Ser in a chart
- Actividad 9 p. 34

martes el 22: (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Mas practica packet Actividades 11-13, 12-14, 15-17 - See me for a packet if needed!!

miercoles el 23:
- BW:  Fill in the form of Ser for - 1.  Juan y yo  2.  Natalia y Daniela
- Review Ser
- Actividad 13 p. 36
- Dia de los Muertos project rubric (See last week's post for extra copies of the rubric)

jueves el 24: (SUB)
- No bellwork
- Read about me, te, le gusta on p. 37
- Actividad 16 p. 37
- Make flash cards for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow (Introducing others, Saying where you live, Expressing likes, Other words and phrases)

viernes el 25:
- Study
- VQ #2
- 1.1 Study guide for test next miercoles el 30
- Notes on me, te, le gusta

**Upcoming events:  martes el 29 - study guide due, miercoles el 30 - project due and 1.1 test**

Check student connect to see if you have any missing assignments!!  The last day to turn them for the first card marking is viernes el 2!!

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Dia de los Muertos Project!!


Here is the rubric for the Dia de los Muertos project that is due on miercoles el 30:
Remember you can email me your written portion for me to print at school.  Email me at

Have a great weekend!  

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Oct. 14-18

!Bienvenidos estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes...

lunes el 14:
- BW:  Conjugate the yo form of 1.  Tener  2.  Hacer  3.  Oir
- Introduce Decir (to say, to tell)
- Review other "go" verbs (Tener, Hacer, Oir, Salir, Venir, Poner)
- Actividad 6 p. 247
- Start PDSA data folder with results from Etapa Preliminar post-test

martes el 15:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta en Espanol.  ?Que dices a tu profesora de la manana?
- Review "go" verbs
- Actividades 7 y 8 p. 248 verbally for puntos orales
- Diarios:  Plan a trip to Oaxaca and use 3 different modes of transportation.  Include the verbs salir, llegar, viajar, and venir.

miercoles el 16:
- BW:  Escribe las formas de yo:  Salir, Venir, Tener, Hacer, Poner, Oir, Decir
- Introduce prepositional phrases for location
- Watch "youtube" video on prepositional phrases
- Actividad 10 y 11 pgs. 250-251

jueves el 17:
- BW:  Traduce - The shoe store is to the right of the jewelry store.
- Mas practica actividades 18, 19
- Pegamoscas

viernes el 18:
- BW:  Study!
- 4.1 Vocab Quiz parte 1
- Watch 4.1 video and translate pgs. 243-244
- Actividad 2 p. 245

**Upcoming events:  Dia de los muertos project rubric will be passed out on miercoles el 23!  Second part of the vocab quiz for 4.1 will be on viernes el 25!**

ESP 1 ~ Oct. 14-18

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Los planes...

lunes el 14:
- BW:  Traduce - I live in the community.
- Take the Etapa Preliminar 20 question post-test
- Take the Unidad 1 45 question pre-test

martes el 15:
- BW:  Write as many Hispanic populated cities in the United States that you can think of.
- Finish Selena!
- Pass back chapter tests
- Start PDSA Data folder

miercoles el 16:
- BW:  Traduce - I am from Miami.
- Pronounce 1.1 vocab list
- Listen to pgs. 26-27 on CD
- Translate pgs. 26-27 to English (the entire paragraphs of A-F)

jueves el 17:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  Terrible/awful  2.  So-so  3.  Very good
- Introduce friendly/formal greetings (How are you?)
- TPR activity with How are you?

viernes el 18:
- BW:  Study!
- Vocab quiz 1.1 parte 1
- Review greetings by doing Actividades 7 y 8 p. 32-33 as puntos orales
- Take notes on subject pronouns in chart

**Upcoming events:  Dia de los muertos project rubric will be passed out on miercoles el 23!  Second part of the vocab quiz will be viernes el 25!**

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Oct 7 -11

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes...

lunes el 7:
- BW:  Write down any vocab words you can think of that you would associate with - "El otono"
- Introduce Unidad 4
- Review Spanish-speaking countries and cultural points
- Introduce Etapa 1

martes el 8:
- Study
- Culture Quiz
- Translate pgs. 242-243
- Comprendiste questions on p. 243 written in Spanish

miercoles el 9:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?Adonde vas si quieres comprar zapatos nuevos?
- Pronounce new vocab
- Actividad 4 p. 247 (go over answers out loud for puntos orales)
- Mas practica 7-9

jueves el 10:
- BW:  Traduce - My mom drives to the bakery.
- Time to finish Actividades 7-9 on the "mas practica" worksheet
- Listening actividades 1-3 "mas practica" worksheet

viernes el 11:
- BW:  Traduce - Rogelio likes to go to the bookstore on foot.
- Pass back progress reports/discuss grades/end of card marking procedures
- Unit 4 pre-test

**Start making your flashcards with your new vocab list - first quiz is scheduled for jueves el 17!!**

ESP 1 ~ Oct 7-11

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Los planes...

lunes el 7:
- BW:  Traduce - Where are you from (friendly)?
- Go over study guides
- Actividades 1 y 2 p. 18

martes el 8:
- Study
- Etapa Preliminar Test
- Pick up vocab list for 1.1

miercoles el 9:
- BW:  Name two ways to say the word "boy" from your new vocab list.
- Introduce Unidad 1 (Cultural points about Estados Unidos)
- Read about Tejano music pg. 62
- Start watching the movie Selena
- Exit ticket:  How did Selena's childhood compare to yours?  What are some things you notice about growing up as a Mexican-American?

jueves el 10:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  yo  2.  ella  3.  nosotros
- Continue with Selena
- Exit ticket:  Why did Selena's mom want to quit/break up the band after the Harlington Fair?

viernes el 11:
- BW:  Traduce - 1.  el  2.  ellos  3.  vosotros
- Continue with Selena
- Exit ticket:  1.  Why is it so hard being a Mexican-American?  2.  What are some of Selena's accomplishments later in her music career?

**Start making flashcards for the new vocab list!! First quiz is scheduled for viernes el 18!!**

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Just a reminder that tonight Parent-Teacher Conferences are in the Thurston gym from 3:30-7:30pm!  This is a great opportunity to talk to the teachers about your student's progress in their classes.  Hope to see you there!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Sept 30-Oct 4

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Aqui estan los planes...

lunes el 30:
- BW:  Conjugate - 1.  Jose (beber)  2.  Nosotros (alquilar) 3.  Los estudiantes (vivir)
- Dice game in groups to conjugate
- Review Ir

martes el primero:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish ?Que vas a hacer hoy?
- Review Ir +a +infinitive
- Review frequency words (turn in packet for a grade)

miercoles el 2:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish ?Estudias mucho o poco para espanol?
- Number review (numbers up to 100, age, writing the date)

jueves el 3:
- BW:  Escribe una respuesta completa en espanol.  ?Cual es la fecha?
- Review time telling
- Review present progressive
- Study guide for test

viernes el 4:
- Study
- Etapa Preliminar Post-test
- Fill out vocab list for 4.1

Reminders:  Culture quiz is next martes el 8!!  Make sure you know at least 10 Spanish-speaking countries.

ESP 1 ~ Sept 30-Oct 4

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Aqui estan los planes...

lunes el 30:
- BW:  ?Cual es tu telefono?  Write it out in Spanish...
- Review Days of the Week and numbers
- Learn months
- Learn how to write out the date
- Actividad 4 p. 19 in the book

martes el primero:
- BW:  Answer in Spanish - 1.  ?Que dia es hoy?  2.  ?Que dia es manana?
- Pass out maps
- Label Central American countries and capitals
- Chapter packet Actividad 15 (Listening), 16-17

miercoles el 2:
- BW:  Write out today's date in Spanish in a complete sentence
- Review months, days of the week by practicing out loud
- Fill in South American countries and capitals

jueves el 3:
- BW: ?Como se llama el chico?  _____ __________________ Esteban.
- Fill in the Caribbean countries and capitals and Espana
- Chapter packet Actividades 21-23

viernes el 4:
- BW:  ?De donde es usted?  Answer in Spanish.
- Pass out study guides
- Go over test sections
- Take practice quiz and go over for puntos orales


martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Sept. 23-27

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes:

Lunes el 23:
- BW:  Traduce - We are 30 years old.
- Review Tener (Acts.3, 4) on Tener worksheet in packet
- Review Gusta

Martes el 24:
- BW:  Traduce - Francisco likes to skate and run.
- Review Gusta
- Speaking:  Gusta tent activity
- Review question words

Miercoles el 25:
- BW:  What two forms (me, te...) require a clarifier?
- Review question words
- Composition book writing:  ?Como eres? ?Que te gusta?

Jueves el 26:
- BW:  List all subject pronouns
- Pass out new packet and number pages
- Ejercicio 1 on subject pronouns
- "Lo tengo"

Viernes el 27:
- Study
- Vocab Quiz
- Review AR, ER, IR verb conjugations
- Ejercicio 2:  Tarea

Reminders:  Ejercicio 2 is due lunes for a grade.  Also, EP test is scheduled for viernes el 4 de Octubre!

ESP 1 ~ Sept. 23-27

!Hola estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Los planes:

Lunes el 23:
- BW:  Traduce - My name is Javier.  I am from Spain.
- Review worksheet on introducing oneself and where people are from
- Review alphabet and do spelling practice
- Speaking - ask 3 people ?De donde eres/es usted?
                -----> Be prepared to present saying ________ es de __________ about one of the students

Martes el 24:
- BW:  Prepare project to be turned in/practice presentation
- Presentations on Country Projects (Students write the name of student presenting es de ___________.)
- Activity 13 p. 11 (Listening activity in book)

Miercoles el 25:
- BW:  Unscramble the words to make complete sentences.  1.  Raul/de/Estados Unidos/es   2.  nombre/Susana/es/mi   3.  un/Ricardo/placer/Es
- Presentations continued
- Number practice (pronunciation, spelling, etc.)
- Speaking:  ?Cual es tu telefono?  (Volunteers share their phone number in Spanish, class guesses number)

Jueves el 26:
- BW:  Study for culture quiz
- Culture Quiz
- Play "Lo Tengo"

Viernes el 27:
- BW:  Study for vocab quiz
- Vocab Quiz
- Learn Days of the Week
- Sing Adams Family Song to Days of the Week
- Activity 15 p. 13 in book

Reminders:  Homecoming week is next week!  Don't forget to dress up!!

Go Eagles!!

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

ESP 2 ~ Sept. 16-20

Buenos dias, estudiantes de Espanol 2!!

Los planes:

Lunes el 16:

Martes el 17:
  • BW:  Traduce - 1.  a book 2.  the book
  • Review adjectives and colors pgs. 11-12
  • Conjugate ser and estar on an exit ticket
Miercoles el 18:
  • BW:  Traduce - some green shoes
  • Review ser vs. estar pgs. 8-9 of packet
  • Ser vs. estar pg. 10 (collected to be graded)
  • Hangman with ser and estar
Jueves el 19:
Viernes el 20:
  • BW:  Conjugate Tener
  • Collect Farcebook final copy
  • Review tener
  • Tia actividad in groups with coloring
Reminders:  Second part of the vocab quiz will be viernes el 27!  Time to start studying!

Please sign up for Remind101!!

ESP 1 ~ Sept. 16-20

Buenos dias, estudiantes de Espanol 1!

Los planes:

Lunes el 16:

  • BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?Como se pronuncia tu nombre?
  • Spelling practice with Spanish alphabet
  • Review me llamo/te llamas/se llama
  • Read pgs. 4-5
  • Write an introductory conversation with an amigo
Martes el 17:
Miercoles el 18:
  • Computer lab to work on project
Jueves el 19:
Viernes el 20:
  • Computer lab to work on project
Reminders:  Country project is due on martes el 24!  Don't forget that you are going to present this project in class on that day.  Introduce yourself and say where you are from in Spanish...

Me llamo...
Soy de...
3 interesting facts in English

Next week:
Second part of the vocab quiz will be viernes el 27 and we'll be having a cultural quiz on jueves el 26.  So, lots to study!!

Please sign up for Remind101!!

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013


ESPANOL 2 ~ Just a friendly reminder that your...

Perfil de"Farcebook"

is due manana en clase.  

Don't forget to include fotos o dibujos for you, your friends, your photo album, and comments on your timeline.

!Buenas noches!

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

ESP 2 - Sept. 9-13

Buenas tardes, estudiantes de Espanol 2!

Los planes:

Lunes el 9:
  • Etapa Preliminar Pre-test
  • Time for book tour in groups
Martes el 10:
  • BW:  Escribe una respuesta en Espanol - ?Como se llama la profesora de espanol?
  • Finish book tour in groups/start going over the answers to the book tour
Miercoles el 11:
  • BW:  Escribe una respuesta en Espanol - ?Donde estamos en Unidad 4?  ?Y en Unidad 5?
  • Finish going over the answers to the book tour
  • Review greetings on pgs. 1-2
  • Create a mini-dialogue introducing a third person with an amigo
Jueves el 12:
  • BW:  Traduce - I would like to introduce you to Mrs. Rivera
  • Review introductions and the verb Llamar pg. 3 of packet
  • Page 4 of packet (homework)
  • Lo Tengo
Viernes el 13:
  • Study 
  • VQ #1
  • Collect pg. 4 of packet
  • "Farcebook" profile rough draft
Upcoming:  "Farcebook" profile page in Spanish is due on Viernes el 20!!

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

ESP 1 - Sept. 9-13

Buenas tardes, estudiantes de Espanol 1.

Los planes:

Lunes el 9:

  • Etapa Preliminar Pre-test (make-ups were due Friday the 13th for a participation 10 point grade)
  • Book Tour
Martes el 10:

  • BW:  What is something you could say to greet Senora Ferstle?
  • Intro to sounds/vowels with flashcards
  • Intro to the alphabet
  • Intro to greetings on p. 2-3
  • Actividad 4 p. 3 (turned in for a grade)
Miercoles el 11:
  • BW:  Traduce - Good morning!  See you tomorrow!
  • Sound flashcards/sing the alphabet 
  • Learn how to introduce yourself (Me llamo/Mi nombre es...) and ask what someone else's name is (?Como te llamas/Como se llama usted?) notes
  • Practice out loud with students in class
  • Work on the book tour
Jueves el 12:
  • BW:  Answer in Spanish - ?Como se llama usted?
  • Sound flashcards/sing the alphabet
  • Review greetings and ways to introduce yourself
  • Card sort activity in groups
  • Review for the vocab quiz
Viernes el 13:
Miercoles y Viernes (Wednesday and Friday) - we will be in a computer lab to work on a project
Jueves (Thursday) - no school!

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

ESP 2 - Sept. 4-6

Espanol 2 ~ Miercoles el 4 de Septiembre - Viernes el 6 de Septiembre

Los planes

Miercoles el 4:

  • Introductions/Roll Call
  • ?Que Recuerdas? Review Game in groups
  • Vocab List (Click to pull up a copy)
Jueves el 5:

  • Bellwork:  Fill in the blanks.  !Buenos ________!  Me __________ Javier.  ?Como __________?
  • Syllabus (Click to pull up a copy)
  • Room Tour
  • Pass out books if wanted
Viernes el 6:

  • Bellwork:  What is one topic/area that you need more practice with before we move on?
  • Choose Spanish names
  • Make name tags
  • Make 3x5 cards
  • Book Tour Packet and work on Vocab List with books (Click on both items for copies)
Ojo:  Remember that the first part of the vocab quiz will be on VIERNES of next week!!  Start studying your words.  You can make flashcards for 2 points extra credit for each quiz!!

Due:  Signed syllabus by martes (10/9)

ESP 1 - Sept. 4-6

Espanol 1 ~ Miercoles el 4 de Septiembre - Viernes el 6 de Septiembre

Los planes

Miercoles el 4:

  • Introductions and Roll Call
  • Brainstorm in groups what comes to mind with the word "Spanish"
  • Class Discussion 
  • Divertido con Espanol Worksheet (practices cognates and words we use from the Spanish language in English)
Jueves el 5:

  • Bellwork:  Name any Spanish words you know.
  • Syllabus (click to pull up a copy)
  • Room tour (show areas of room where students can access)
  • Offer to check-out a book for home
  • Vocab List
Viernes el 6:

  • Bellwork: What is something you are excited about being in this class?
  • Pick Spanish names
  • Make name tags for the classroom
  • Make a 3x5 card for "puntos orales"
  • Room Scavenger Hunt (click to pull up a copy)

Estudiantes:  Don't forget your SIGNED SYLLABUS is due on Martes (Tuesday) of next week!!

Upcoming tests/quizzes:  FIRST VOCAB QUIZ VIERNES (FRIDAY) of next week!  Study your completed vocab lists 5 minutes each night to practice.  Make flash cards for 2 points extra credit on your quiz!!

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013


!Hola estudiantes!

!Bienvenidos a las clases de Espanol 1 y 2!

As we kick off the 2013-2014 school year, let me take a moment to welcome you all to Spanish this year!  Whether you're here because you're stoked to learn a new language or because your counselor put you in my class, we're going to make the most out of the year and get you speaking, writing, and understanding Spanish at a basic and more advanced level!

This blog will be up and running all year with weekly updates that include:

  • What you missed if you were absent
  • Links to study tools/websites/videos
  • Extra copies of rubrics, study guides, and any worksheet given out in class that you can view or print at home
  • Explanations of grammar concepts
  • Reminders of upcoming tests, quizzes, and projects
  • Funny quotes and pictures in Spanish!
Make sure you check this blog each week to stay up to date with everything we're doing in class and outside of class.

My email is listed at the top of the blog for you to reach me should you have any questions.

You can submit your email up at the top of the blog if you'd like to receive an email each time I post a new blog.

You can search for certain blog entries I've made on the left side of the page.

You can access some websites I've selected as "must-reads" on the left side of the page.

You can access a specific channel on that has tutorials for all the grammar concepts we'll be learning in both levels this year on the right side of the page.

Enjoy the slideshow below of pictures from Central America.

So, hopefully this blog will meet your needs to help you be the most successful you can be in Spanish this year!

I'll leave you with this: